(This is a mirror site of my webpage karenjcarlisle.com)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Of Weddings, Planes and NaNoWriMo.

What a way to start NaNoWriMo. I spent the weekend interstate for my brother’s wedding. I had planned to visit the state museum – in steampunk attire – but ended up nursing acute back pain while trying to get my first words down for NaNoWriMo. Try writing on the plane (a first for me) while on pain medication…

Earlier in the week, I began preparations for the month long writing fest:

  • I cleared off my desk and filed a mountain of papers, in readiness for writing.

  • purchased two new note books for handwriting (I hope to have to buy more)

My motivations for the month. Top 10 reasons to do NaNo:

  1. to get this story out of my head and onto paper

  2. to forget (and chase away) my recent anxieties and stresses by creating something – catharsis (when I write – or create something – I am more relaxed -even when grumbling over editing).

  3. to return to my discipline of writing daily

  4. to finish this first draft and get a move on.

  5. the challenge – to push myself to a new monthly word count (maximum is 15000 so far)

  6. no one else can write my story

  7. To finally find out what will happen to my characters. (yep, panster)

  8. Since I was 9 years old, I have dreamed of being a writer. I had better get on with it then!

  9. to kick procrastinaton in the butt!

  10. I love to write.

So far my word count is minimal. At at least I can stand up and sit down unassisted now and I have taken significant steps to reduce the stress and anxiety which has been the root of the recent back issues.

Today we fly home (more meds) and I start a new chapter in  my life, as well as my book.

NaNoWriMo word count. Day 1:
Total Words- first draft:  

Of Weddings, Planes and NaNoWriMo.

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