(This is a mirror site of my webpage karenjcarlisle.com)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

How to Win at NaNoWriMo, While Not Winning

November was chocka-block with writing posts – as I am sure many blogs were. For those following my NaNo updates – you brave reader! To those oblivious to the tribulations of we band of NaNoWriMo sadists (on some days it does feel like that), you will be glad my NaNo posts end with this week’s offering. Last Sunday was the final day of hairpulling and frantic scribblings.

However I must admit, I feel like a bit of a fraud. While others have managed to produce NaNo winning tales (of at least 50,000 words) others have produced epics of well over 100,000! I am in awe. How did they do it? I have just past the half way milestone.

But am I bovvered? (As in the words of Catherine Tate)


In fact, I feel like a winner.

I had decided to attempt my first full NaNoWriMo to give myself a kick in the writing pants. After seven months, I had hit the dreaded middle of my story. I was determined to push past it, to finish the first draft of the manuscript of The Department of Curiosity. Unfortunately, life hit a very unexpected turn at the end of October. I gathered my courage and made some difficult decisions, then threw myself into writing as a means of distraction.

My original goals were achievable – finish my first draft manuscript (about 37,000 words), blitz my monthly word maximum of 15,000, try freewriting to get through the soggy middle of the story and find an ending.

I managed three of these goals.

The bonus? I got back into the habit of daily writing (I need to treat this as a job for at least three months) and discovered my maximum achievable daily word count (without effecting my health).

So, NaNoWriMo is over.

– It was my first foray into the full NaNo.

– I did not expect to reach the 50,000 word winning goal.

– I had too many real life and health issues going on.

– I had about 11 days where I could not write due to family commitments and health issues; I am happy with the 27,000 in (effectively) 19 days.

– My new monthly maximum word count is 27,000 words.

– My goal was to finish my manuscript (about 37-38,000 words). I finished over half way to the lofty goal of 50,000 and within sight of finishing my manuscript. This is not officially a NaNo win but I have progressed from 50% to 86% of my first draft completed!

I consider I have won on this one.

snapshot of stats 2

How to Win at NaNoWriMo, While Not Winning

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